Activities for everyone

Guided tour

Guided tour

A journey into the heart of Wendat traditions, past and present. Visitors are welcomed all year long by a guide dressed in Wendat traditional apparel.

The guided tour is offered all year long come snow, rain or shine. All exhibits are covered in case of rain and can accommodate an entire group. The guided tour is offered in French and English, depending on availability.

Available upon reservation only.

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Tomahawk throw / Archery

Tomahawk throw / Archery

Visitors attend a brief presentation on how to throw a tomahawk or hunting bow and arrows for 17 year olds and under. They are then invited to put their technique into practice. We offer each visitor the opportunity to exercise their aim on a target shaped into a life size deer.

Available in July and August only.

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Craftsmanship – Medicine wheel

Craftsmanship – Medicine wheel

Made of deer leather and goose and pheasant feathers, the medicine wheel is used to chase away illness. The cross represents the four cardinal points and intends to protect each and every home around the world. The caribou bones are symbol of luck.

Available in July and August with our “Wendat Summer” package or at all times for groups of 20 and more.

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Tales & legends

Tales & legends

According to ancient beliefs, the people who had knowledge had to convey it to the younger generations within the Nation. This tradition permitted the legends to survive throughout the years.

Let our story teller share with you the legend of the Creation of the World and many more.

Available in July and August with our “Wendat Summer” package or at all times for groups of 20 and more.

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